Eternal darkness on our world Eternal darkness on who succumb by the hand of a psychopath who leads two girls on the wooded path hanging them to the tree’s branches letting rot their white flesh cursing the life of who passes into the woods the spirits are assassin Filled with hate, filled with pain the forest all their anger contains when it’s night you can hear them Yelling, laughing their mouth full of scum We call the spirits of the deads they come to take you underneath, avenge Calling the spirits of the deads Revenge is on the path of flesh, again When the night holds the full moon Follow the path from the lagoon bring with you an incensory Spread the scent and follow the story “We are here to set you free we feel idiosyncrasy may the hangman be forever damned, no peace for him, never May your animal hatred dance we’ll help it dancing being in trance Take delight of our panic that’s the night of magic Hang’em Hang’em Hang’em, to the black oak Black Oak I invoke The spirits of the two girls slaughtered Black Oak I evoke Their intense black lust for revenge