Deathless Legacy

Headless Horseman

Deathless Legacy

When the night falls down
You know he's around
Enlighten by the moon
In dust clothes he's strewn
My knife it comes
You should him shun
For it's his war cry
He sees without eyes
You can feel the panic along the spine
You can see the shiny blade
You won't be fine

When the night falls down
The horse clops on the ground
Time to chop some heads
I'm The Headless Horseman

When the night falls down
The horse clops on the ground
Time to chop some heads
I'm The Headless Horseman

Moving in his stilness
He looks to execute
To steal the heads
He's ready to split
The mind from the body literally
His knife it comes
Before the dawn
You can feel the panic along the spine
You can see the shiny blade
You won't be fine

When the night falls down
The horse clops on the ground
Time to chop some heads
I'm The Headless Horseman

When the night falls down
The horse clops on the ground
Time to chop some heads
I'm The Headless Horseman

I'm alone
I'm on my own
I cannot speak nor breath
How can I still can be in life?
All I have is my knife
My horse and my dedication
Desolation, damnation
My knife it comes
You scum now run
Eye for eye you know
I'll steal your Head
I'll cut your Throat

When the night falls down
The horse clops on the ground
Time to chop some heads
I'm The Headless Horseman

When the night falls down
The horse clops on the ground
Time to chop some heads
I'm The Headless Horseman