I witnessed man annihilate his womb, his world Place of eternal war left a desolate tomb Epic wars, war machines consumed this realm. Strategy of scorched earth, nothing left to gain in victory The black in your heart, an ultimate lust for power. And the planet exhales as your weapons spit forth You drenched the soil in the blood of mankind. You ran your sword through the heart of mother earth Embers! The embers of a dying world casting light on your destiny, Condemned to live under the shadow of death The embers of a dying world casting light on your destiny A glimpse of what is to be eternity As your troops gather for the final battle the sun sets for a very last time Unleashing forces unknown to man you give the signal for a final attack Explosions slowing down the pace of time, hours becoming days, days becoming none As nuclear force breaks down creation, you feel the warm triumph of final victory The blasts lay to waste the forces of the enemy Evaporating all, making room for the past Caught in what seems to be a vortex in time You watch your forces travel to the other side I witnessed man annihilate his womb, his world Place of eternal war left a desolate tomb Epic wars, war machines consumed this realm. Strategy of scorched earth, nothing left to gain in victory Embers! The embers of a dying world casting light on your destiny, Condemned to live under the shadow of death The embers of a dying world casting light on your destiny A glimpse of what is to be eternity A triumph for eternity