spitting back your memory erased spill your blackened imagery disgrace bitter drinks half bitten smiles saving face and in denial heating up cold steel embrace giving up to the metal taste let me out i’m not in to you hit the breaks I need some altitude see that crowd? well, they’re not here for you one more time and fuck your attitude this is the end of an error this is not what you all turned out to see so sick there’s no getting better all you got and its all made out of me this is the end of an error we are not what we pretend to be so quick then we’re gone forever one last shot then it’s all burnt out of me fucking up in misery and wires shout your twisted majesty of fire scheming hands, half written lies coming down but on the rise wasted life, so shambolic sober thoughts but alcoholic let me out I’m not into you hit the breaks I need some altitude see that crowd? well, they’re not here for you one more time and fuck your attitude