Angels in blue dresses dance on all our might-have-beens telling lies and giving prizes wrapping ribbons round our scene california highrise wrecking lives on high-def screens venting our frustrations over glossy magazines glisten in the tarmac bits and shards in backs of cars pretty splinters cutting fingers as we linger in the park demons in our tongues will your saliva out-survive you all the words we try to form while we’re connecting in the dark please pass back your paper we’ll consider while we rape you in the strobing light the children fight assessed by our behaviour pushing at your limit can I tie you to specifics? if my genotype won’t classify you’ve gotta try to kill it energy is nothing kick the zeroes ‘cos they’re bluffing and we are running out of re-cyc trust our lady of the fire all the knives are in my chest my crashing plane is when I’m best there is a full negation I am not, I am the liar I’ll hide from the sun for you I’ll put away this gun for you there is no thing I would not do no thing to make you smile high on lies and consequence I’m losing time in self-defence the seconds coalesce into the hours of desire fall into the future am I used or did I use you? are we needy, are we greedy? did we build our own decline? both remain at zero kill your hate, I’ll kill your hero feel it slip, another grip another life, another time