


Coat my dreams in blue 
Make me feel it too 
Slow my life to this 
Make it least resist 

What you want from me 
I can never be 
Still I contemplate 
To retaliate 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

Soak away to haze 
Be the latest craze 
All inside your head 
Turn it all to lead 

Sunk with gravity 
Low reality 
Makes me scream inside 
Your ambition blind 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

Try to make a sense 
Of this difference 
I can never give 
How you want to live 

Lacks a clearer scene 
You have never been 
Blur my drive to be 
how I need to see 

What I want to do 
Not inside of you 
Loop your life around 
What you've never found 

Hope to visualise 
Truth in all your lies 
I can never gain 
If I live the same 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say 

You drag me down 
You burn me up 
You throw it all away 
You change what I say