Welcome to Neverfall Put your hands down queries not accepted Please disregard your mind you are not anymore consider us blind Bienvenue Infinifall Wir sind zeroline Yeehaw, we're infected Scream out anytime Too late, payment accepted You are mine We are the losing class Idolaters and Iconoclasts Amateur enthusiasts Bloody knees and skin grafts We are the losing kind Lost ourselves and lost our minds Desolate and anodyne but otherwise we're doing fine Wanna be buried in a spaceship Wanna burn up in the sun Wanna turn the skies red Set fire to everyone Gonna be buried in the gutter Gonna be glaring at the stars Remember every word I stutter Because, baby, I'm a superstar. We are the losing class Idolaters and Iconoclasts Amateur enthusiasts Bloody knees and skin grafts We are the losing kind Lost ourselves and lost our minds Desolate and anodyne but otherwise we're doing fine I'm a superstar I'm a superstar You fuck me 'cos I work too hard and you fuck me 'cos I move so fast You fuck me 'cos I fall apart You fuck me 'cos I'm working class We are the losing class Idolaters and Iconoclasts Amateur enthusiasts Bloody knees and skin grafts We are the losing kind Lost ourselves and lost our minds Desolate and anodyne but otherwise we're doing fine