
Trapped In The Corner


Tom: A

                         From the Album INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT PATTERNS
                                        Roadrunner Records B.V.
                         Version 1.1 - September 2001
     Rythm Figures transcribed by : Richard Broadhead II()
     Lead guitars transcribed by  : Robin van der Harst
     Corrections for lead guitars possibly coming soon.

     Contact Rich at email-address  : 
     Contact Robin at email-address : *

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It:

.  - palm mute                          ph    - pinched harmonic
\  - slide down to                      hr    - harmonic
~  - vibrato                            p     - pull off
bf - full bend                          h     - hammer on
r  - release bend                       pbh,f - prebend(h-half step, f-full)
t  - tap                                th    - tap harmonic

Tuning goes D, G, C, F, A, D

INTRO (throughout intro light palm muting on both guitars)
|---10-11----10~----10-11----10-11-10-----| GTR I    
|-----------------------------------------| GTR II

|----13-14----13~----13-14----13-14-13----| GTR I 
|---8--9-----8~-----8--9-----8--9--8------| GTR II

|---12-13----12-13----12-13----12-13----12| GTR I 
|---7--8-----7--8-----7--8-----7--8-----7-| GTR II

|---15-16----15-16----15-16----15-16----15| GTR I 
|---10-11----10-11----10-11----10-11----10| GTR II

Play the INTRO one more time, for a total of two times

Riff A
|----9---9------9---9---9------9---9------9---9---9---| GTR I  
|-----------------------------------------------------| GTR II

continuation of riff A                (end of riff A)
|---12--12-----12--12--12-------7---7------7---7---7---| GTR I 
|-5----------------------------------------------------| GTR II

Play Riff A again for a total of two times, then play Riff B

Riff B                                (end of Riff B)
|----9---9------9---9---9-------9---9------9---9---9---| GTR I 
|------------------------------------------------------| GTR II

Riff C                              (end of Riff C)
|-------------------------------------------------| GTR I & GTR II
    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   
Play Riff C again for a total of two times

Riff D                              (end of Riff D)
|-------------------------------------------------| GTR I & GTR II
    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...

Play Riff D again for a total of two times
Play Riff C two times
Now play this slight variation on Riff D

Riff E                              (end of Riff E)
|-------------------------------------------------| GTR I & GTR II
    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...      

|--------------------|--------------9-7-9----9---| GTR I    
| .  .                 .  .
|--------------------|---------------------------| GTR II
  .  .                 .  .

|----------------ph--|--------------9-7-9----9---| GTR I     
| .  .                 .  .
|--------------------|---------------------------| GTR II
  .  .                 .  .

Riff F (end of Riff F)                     Riff G        (end of Riff G)  
|--------------------|                     |---------------------------|  
|--------------------|                     |--------------------10-----| GTR
|--------------------| GTR I & GTR II      |--------------9-7-9----9---|  1
|-------7h9h10p9-9~--|                     |-------7h9h10------------7-|  &
|-0--0---------------|                     |-0--0----------------------|  2
|--------------------|                     |---------------------------| 
  .  .                                       .  .   

Now play Riff F, Riff G, Riff F, Riff G, Riff F, Riff G

Riff H                                                 (end of Riff H)
|--------------------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
|--------------------------------------------------------------------|   &
|----------8--------------8------------------8--------------8--------| GTR II

Play Riff H three more times for a total of four times.

Riff I (During Andy's Solo)                             (end of Riff I)
|----------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
  .... .. .... .. .... .. ...... .. .... .. .... ..

Play Riff I again for a total of two times.

Riff J (During Andy's Solo)                             (end of Riff J)
|----------------------------------------------------------| GTR I
  .... .. .... .. .... .. ...... .. .... .. .... ..

   Solo: Andy LaRocque
||-13--14----------13---------------------|  2 Guitars, but they don't sound
||---------------------15--14--12--14--12-|  the same (1 with delay, I think)
                                 |(falls together with last 2 notes of above)
                                 |------------------------|-----------| GTR.1
                                 | .  .   .  .                        |
                                 |                                    |
                                 |------------------------|-----------| GTR.2
                                pm .  .  .  .
                 tremolo cricket
|                tremolo cricket (very fast)

 (tremolo picking not every note written, but play it this way)




   p         p     p         p     p         h  p

|--------------------------------------------------------| GTR. 1
|                                                        |
|--------------------------------------------------------| GTR. 2

|---------------------------12---------------------------| GTR. 1
|                                                        |
|---------------------------15---------------------------| GTR. 2

                                       h  p
|--------------------------------------------------------------------| GTR. 1
|                                      h  p                          |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------| GTR. 2

|-----------15---14~-----------| GTR. 1
|                              |
|------------------------------| GTR. 2
               h  p
|-------------------------------12-12-11-12-11-12-12--9-11-12| (very fast)



|------------------------/14---------------------14------14-14-------|| GTR. 1
|                                         .  . . . .                 ||
|--------------------------------------------------------------------|| GTR. 2

Play Riff J again for a total of two times
Play Riff I two times again, and Riff J two times again

Riff K (During Chuck's Solo)
|--------------------------------------------------| GTR II  

continuation of Riff K                      (end of Riff K)
|--------------------------------------------------| GTR II  

   Solo: Chuck Schuldiner
   t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p

   t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p

   t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p

   t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p  t p h p

 |----------------------------|----------------10~-------------------| GTR.1
 |----------------------------|--------------------------------------| GTR.2

                   tremolo picking very fast (not every note written)
                   less fast


                      tremolo picking very fast (not every note written)


Play Riff K again for a total of two times
Structure for rest of song
Riff A two times
Riff B
Riff C two times
Riff D two times
Riff C two times
Riff D
Riff E

Bass Tab

Transcribed by Shane Boulos

Tuning(F,C,G,D), Fretless Bass

No Bass the first time the intro is played

*four harmonics, first harmonic is played, other three are echos

Riff A                                               

continuation of Riff A

Play Riff A again, then play only the first 2 measures of Riff A

I'm going to call this Riff C so it follows the guitar

continuation of Riff C                 (end of Riff C)

Play Riff C again

Riff D

Play Riff D again, then Riff C twice then Riff D

Play Slap Bass Here


I'm going to call this Riff H so it follows the guitar

Play Riff H a total of 2 times

Andy's Solo Rhythm

continuation of Andy's Solo Rhythm      (end of Andy's Rhythm)

Play Andy's Solo Rhythm a total of two times
Chuck's Solo Rhythm       | 1,3
 | 2,4

Play Riff A, then play only the first two measures of Riff A
Then play Riff C, Riff D, Riff C, Riff D

another version of teh bass:

Tuning(F,C,G,D), Fretless Bass
 No Bass the first time the intro is played
*four harmonics, first harmonic is played, other three are echos
Riff A                                               
continuation of Riff A
Play Riff A again, then play only the first 2 measures of Riff A
I'm going to call this Riff C so it follows the guitar
continuation of Riff C                 (end of Riff C)
Play Riff C again

Riff D

Play Riff C twice then Riff D
Play Slap Bass Here
I'm going to call this Riff H so it follows the guitar
play 1x

play 3x


Andy's Solo Rhythm

continuation of Andy's Solo Rhythm      (end of Andy's Rhythm)


Play Andy's Solo Rhythm a total of two times
Chuck's Solo Rhythm                    
        play 4x                                                         part 1
        part 3
   pt.'s 2 & 4
Play Riff A, then play only the first two measures of Riff A
Then play Riff C, Riff D, Riff C, Riff D

questions, comments, corrections, please contact 
                               or please contact *
Or newest version, please contact one of us.

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It: