
To Forgive Is To Suffer


Tom: C

                           FROM "THE SOUND OF PERSEVERANCE" CD

        Transcribed by Kerry Vick
        E-mail address: *

                          Version 1.0 - October 1998

Tuning: Tune down one whole step (1:D, 2:G, 3:C, 4:F, 5:A, 6:D)

Timing: Listen to music for actual timing...

Notation: When two guitars are listed play all guitars simultaneously.
          b = bend              / = slide up            a.h. = artificial
          bf= bend full         br= bend release               harmonic
          h = hammer-on         \ = slide down                 
          p = pull-off          . = palm mute(pm)          t = tapping
          " = tremolo picking

 Riff A
|-------4-5-4~--------4-5-----5-------7----|GTR I
|-7--77---------6--77---------5------------| & II
     ..            ..            ..

 continuation of Riff A
|-4------------------|GTR I (* 2nd time use a.h.'s *)
|                    |
|-4--2-1h2p1---4-1---|GTR II

 Riff A--fill
|---------------------------------------------|GTR III

 continuation of Riff A--fill
|-----------------------|GTR III

Play Riff A three times
 Riff B
|-------4-----4~~----------------4~-|GTR I
|                                   |
|-9---------------------------------|GTR II

 continuation of Riff B
|-------------5~-----5\7-----7~--|GTR I
|                                |
|-10-----------------------------|GTR II

 continuation of Riff B
|---4-4~-----4~-----5~-5\7-7~-|GTR I
|-GTR II ???

Play Riff B three times

 Riff C.1
|-------------------------------------|GTRS I
|-------------------------------------|  & II
  .......       .. ........
 Riff C.2
|---------------5-7--4-|GTRS I
|---------------5-7--4-|  & II

 Riff C.3
|---------------5-4----|GTRS I
|---------------5-4--5-|  & II
 Riff C.4
|---------------5-4------|GTRS I
|---------------5-4------|  & II

Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.3 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.4 one time

 Riff D
|----------------7-|------------------|GTR I
|                                     |
|                                     |
|--------5-4~----7-|--------5-4~------|GTR II

Play Riff D two times
Play Riff A  three times

 Riff E -- Solo 1
|---------5---------2--5-5-|GTRS I
|------2--5-5-------2--5-3-|  & II

Play Riff E four times
Play Riff B three times
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.3 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.4 one time
Play Riff D two times
Play Riff A  three times

 Riff F.1 -- Finger Tapping
|-----------------------------------------|GTRS I
|-----------------------------------------|  & II

 continuation or Riff F.1
|-----------------------------------------|GTRS I
|-----------------------------------------|  & II

 continuation of Riff F.1
|-----------------------------|GTRS I
|-----------------------------|  & II

 Riff F.2 
|-------------------------------------------------|GTR II

 continuation of Riff F.2
|-------------------------------------------------|GTR II

 continuation of Riff F.2
|-------------------------------------|GTR II

Play Riff F.1 one time
Play Riff *.2 three times

 Riff G -- with studio effects
|-9----8----7----10-----12-----10----|GTRS I
|-9-9--8-8--7-7--10-10--12-12--10-10-|  & II

Play Riff G two times