
Beyond The Unholy Grave


Tom: A

Album: Scream Bloody Gore
1987 Century Media Records

tabbed by Hellspawn (*)

I've already send an e-mail to Chuck's mom for the lyrics
but I'm still waiting for response so if any of you has 
them, just e-mail me I'd appreciated. So here's the tab:


h        hammer-on             
p        pull-off         
PM |--|  palm mute        
"        tremolo picking (or 32th note)
/        slide up            
\        slide down       
4/4      time signature   
( )      tie note
x        muffled note

Timing: 4/4: ---- = 1 beat

Tune Down 1 whole step  (6:D 5:G 4:C 3:F 2:A 1:D)

 Intro Riff (Gtr 1)
|                                                       |
|           (Gtr 2)                                     |

 w/Intro Riff
 (Gtr 2)  

                          play 3 times
 Riff A                   (end Riff A)
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |

play Riff A 8 times

 Riff B                   play 6 times

play Riff A 2 times

 Riff C                                                       (end Riff C)

 Fill 1

play Riff A 8 times
play Riff B 6 times
play Riff A 2 times
play Riff C 2 times
play Fill 1
play Riff A 4 times
play Riff A 4 times (Under solo 1)
play Riff B 4 times (Under solo 2)
play Riff A 2 times
play Riff C 2 times
play Fill 1
play Riff A 4 times
 End with: