Death By Stereo

Depression Expression

Death By Stereo

No, I can't live trapped inside myself
Hope, to find a life outside this cell
I've gotta get out!

Expression of my depression
I have no other way to tell you how I feel
No resolution for my confusion
I cannot find a way to heal, so on I scream

No, I can't live trapped inside myself
Hope, to find a life outside this hell
No! This is a cancer that I built
Lost, this is my crying out for help
Won't anybody fucking listen?

Expression of my depression
I have no other way to tell you how I feel
No resolution for my confusion
I cannot find a way to heal, so on I scream
It's never ending, I'm done pretending
All I can do is fight, all I can do is fight!

Expression of my depression
All I can do is fight

Expression of my depression
I have no other way to tell you how I feel
No resolution for my confusion
I cannot find a way to heal, so on I scream
It's never ending, I'm done pretending
All I can do is fight and show you how I feel
My revolution, my constitution
Keep fighting for a life I know one day I'll see