sackcloth over my head, it's raining tenfold black pouring down i'm staining the ashes cover the sorrow is growing stronger treading through mire that befriends me daily the ties that bind me must be cut pull it away so pivotal the point on which i always sway trust in me the ties that bind me must be cut pull it away so pivotal the point on which i always sway drink me in tranquil are the days sojourning on swept through house must fall to bring the dawn caught up beauty drifts through my world found me soiled grace washed me over the pitiful man despised as he is wallows in the mire of his ways so pompously he parades himself proud of the belly upon which he crawls eating upon the fat of the land ravenously devouring in foolish desire so wanton yet so oblivious to the cry within the navel of his soul in earnest captivity sensing no chains that ensnare he is in no way free a slave to the mind of his ways, his world, his truth so high upon the hills he looks at those below humbled in sorrow from the blackness of their sins and he must know wash me over standing under wash me over trust in me drink me in