Put your money where your mouth is boy, why don't you come out from behind your screen, come and see me playing at my show, you can tell me I'm shit cos I'm ready to go! [Chorus:] YOU'RE TWO FACED AND YOU'RE A FAKE, YOU ARE SO LAME YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT I KNOW THE STUPID LITTLE GAMES... YOU'RE TWO FACED AND YOU'RE A FAKE, YOU ARE SO LAME YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT I KNOW THE STUPID LITTLE GAMES YOU PLAY... I am what I am and I do what I do and I won't waste my time bowing down to you! You got nothing to say but you're talking too loud, INTERNET WARRIORS COME OUT TO PLAY! [Chorus] Oh... Yeah, I can't stand it don't just sit on your arse doing nothing boy, Yeah, go on, move it, get out and do something more interesting... [x4] YOU'RE TWO FACED AND YOU'RE A FAKE, YOU ARE SO LAME YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT YOU'RE TWO FACED AND YOU'RE A FAKE, YOU ARE SO LAME YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT