Negro na alma nasce Oculta divindade de honra O fulgor da ansiedade Teu sacrifício por alguém Satanás A ti te venero Your flesh my desire, Hell! Ardo em loucura Your destiny belongs to me Odium Arde friamente o meu destino Opium Liberta-me de uma vida sem sentido Sentimento obscuro Meu fim há-de chegar Mágoa ou aventura Que prazer vou encontrar Vento leva - Meu sangue teu desejo Mar de trevas - Minha alma atormenta Evil speak to me To darkland I must go …and I feel the force Coming from darkness Paixão desespero, vivo sem sossego, o silêncio da morte! Dark… Blasfémia oculta, no meu lado negro, o silêncio da morte! Dark side… Why you pray, Why death on my way The will of Satan your conscious pay Infect your soul, Inside me Evil grows The will of Satan am I ready to decay so! Listen to Satan, now! The blessed virgin was a whore And his filthy bastard child a sacrifice, Die! Evilly with God No place in my mind for a dog! But on earth I must admit, Fuck! I abuse, You profane, You sucker!... Inside Black there's no way to run from me To your believers, Whose light of belief I cry! Tormenting pain, Belial, Hey All the prayers tortuously, They will say With religion, Kill, I will pay Turn to Dark side, To preach and spread aw