Dead Kennedys


Dead Kennedys

Tom: G

The main riff is played one of two ways. the first one, in my opinion, sounds better, 
the way that the rest of the chords are played, the second one seems more likely. it's up 
you really. Without distortion the A# won't sound right.

Main Riff:
   A                                            C     D   A#
|-0-0-0-0---0-0-0---0-0-0- 3-3-5--1-1-1-0---0-0-0---0-0-0-3-3-5-------------|

   G A                                            C          D      A#

   A C     D
|-5-8--10---------------5-8--10-8-8-8-8--5-8- 10-----8----8-5-8--10--8-8-8-8-----|
|-5-8--10---------------5-8--10-8-8-8-8--5-8- 10-11b--11b-- 5-8--10--8-8-8-8-----|
|-6-9--11--8-10-10brp8- 6-9--11-------- --6-9- 11------------6-9--11--------  ---|
|-5-8--10---------------5-8--10----------5-8--10------------5-8--10--------- ----|

After Chorus:
   G     F#

Before Solo:
      A                                                        C

|---------------------------------------------------14----14-- ------|

|---------------------------------------------------------------- ---|
|------------------------------------------------------------- ------|



Main Riff
After Chorus
Main Riff
After Chorus
Pre Solo
After Chorus
Main Riff
After Chorus

Just listen to the song. the timing isn't that hard to get down, although the song is 
relatively fast and it's easy to play the chords too deliberately and not quick enough. 
is only my second tab, and it's my first tab with a solo in the song, so give me a good rating.