Go on and illustrate a new born intelligence Could there be any honesty? I keep on looking around, but I guess I'm going solo Once again, once again. Pursuing the industries dream. Building a magical destiny scene. Do you believe in self destruction? Please elaborate the new to me. Before I go crazy. Go on and illustrate a new born intelligence Could there be any honesty? I keep on looking around, but I guess I'm going solo Bring on a new year. Live to today to settle the score, between our different point of view. Extra, extra, read all about it! It's all we hear there days. What could only be next line? For now. For now what you hold. Go on and illustrate a new born intelligence Could there be any honesty? I keep on looking around, but I guess I'm going solo. Bring on a new war. Live to today to settle the score between our different point of view.