Where would i be,would i be standing right here We've had such a cruel death would we be as good as to remember a life Would you never live the way that you did would your birth be enough Was it just someones hard labour,a few days struggle then oblivion And what about peter that rock of a saint he'd never taken the hook And kept on fishing and missing the catch but hitting the sea And margaret praying for the army and the souls like you and me Lost somewhere out there in erternity,wondering what it all means Would it be the same,just imagining Not just holy water but an ocean Not just touching but diving right in Is this a curse it just makes things worse for the living Struggling and burned and one calender month before giving Giving up the ghost of christmas past Valentines post and easter mondays past Could this dying be done,would love be so concerned Not just in starting but in ending Not just in falling but decending, decending