Welcome to mcdonalds my i take you order - i want a fully loaded Big mac and Bitch that aint on the menue cause this mac is a fully loaded Mac11 bullet in You so i advise you hit the floor hoe my road dog code name baby O close the White door there was a hero in the crowd i seen her body twitch I pulled the Trigger shes a bloody and a happy bitch over the counter theres Some skinny White cryin slut no time for bitches so i buster with the rifle But and now the Manager is tryin to nagoshiat he chockin blood from the bullets That he eatin Huh my mac11 got you whole city under seige big mac11 taken over This and micky D's some freindly customer didnt understand what i was sayin i Had to pop that Ho to show you bitches i aint playin i heard a sound some fool Was runnin for The fuckin door i opened fire beat that bitch'll never run no mo Swat team was Barkin and they said they had the place surrounded hide some Explosives and i'm Glad the stupid bitches found it slipped out the back and now I'm headed over To kfc cause some kernal on the set who's got some beef with me Walked through The door and i cominsed to let them niggas have i'm bustin Static reapin havic With this automatic screamin and hollerin hos cryin when they Saw you pull it Patriots? down for i send mac11 bullet shut the fuck up bitch Meet my big Mac11 chours- big mac11 mothafucka you facen the gauge worse Then the tiger In the cage you fellin the rage i got my hand on this trigger I'm killin you Nigga big mac11 on that ass the bigger the figure who shoots Through glass Shoot through houses its shoe in your ass when i grew up i had a Dream just Haul off and blast now i get paid for sendin hos to hell or Heaven i'm throwin Bowls smackin hos with this mac11