Your a poison A parasite Your a broken rung The ceiling the deadbolt It’s taken so long For me to finally see The person you are And I have my vices Yeah I have my flaws I know I’m a fuck up And I know I’ve been lost But at least I admit it Don’t just try and twist it To make myself look like a saint Keep picking the scabs So the wounds never heal I resent what was once my achilles heal Now I’m hardened and hateful Encased in chainmail Rigid dejected aware Rattle off scurrility In attempt to get a rise out of me But I’m so far beyond that stupid shit That used to shake me So keep your gums flapping To keep me afloat Devil dealing recreant colluder You’re a snake in the grass Your agenda with a wicked intent You’re a liar in a sheep skin mask The time comes now to cast out The shrill vexatious voice The time comes now for you to realize That life my love my choice Goodbye Good riddance God speed So long Farewell You’ll get no more pity from me When I leave this shitty city And you’re all alone And your ship has sailed Fuck you Good riddance God speed So long Farewell You’ll get no more pity from me When I leave this shitty city And you’re all alone And your ship has sailed