One year we flew up to Alaska All the scenery was gorgeous And the people all so pleasant what a place Might have been our one chance To experience it first hand All the culture and the beauty of the state But when we arrived I couldn't bring myself to leave the car Stayed locked away with my guitar And while the others Studied the mountains and the rivers I just stared down at my fretboard, pad and pen Lately I've been struggling to conjure up A band aid for this problem That has freshly manifested in my brain It seems as though I've grown a light switch Deep within the recess of my psyche One if flipped renders me borderline insane It's like ten seconds ago Everything was fine and dandy But now everything is fucked And there ain't no rhyme or reason for my seething I just wanna be okay but I feel stuck I don't get to see the family often Always on road So one year we organized a trip We'd take to Lake Tahoe A place we'd been when I was younger All the memories are golden But when we arrived I found myself down at the bar Black out drunk and seeing stars While my loved ones All played board games by the fire I did drink myself within an inch of death I'm no stranger to mistakes It feels like every step I take I trip myself up can't get out of my own way I'm by far my harshest critic and a cynic Too neurotic to accept that sometimes Shit is just okay There's always gotta be Some problem I alone must solve But that just ain't the case at all Cause I got friends and family But my worst enemy is me And me just can't escape my head Cause I was born to sabotage myself Well that's on me and no one else I'm a human grenade And I'm good at pullin' my own pin You can blame it on my mental health Addictions, stress and anything else All it boils down to Is I'm an asshole With a loud mouth And a system of support I don't deserve