Unconditional it’s unconditional I can’t grasp the whole of what you've done for me As the earth touches the sea I will be there indefinitely Broken down and under attack I left my hopes and dreams somewhere along the track They say its time to grow up and become a man A man who lives for himself and dies everyday for nothing Unconditional it’s unconditional I can’t grasp the whole of what you've done for me Unconditional it’s unconditional I can’t grasp the whole of what you've done for me And after all that we've been through I have never forsaken you Do you even know me? Do you even know me? I won’t let you fall I won’t let you fall You are my invention you have my full attention I breathed you into being for such a time as this You are my invention you have my full attention I breathed you into being for such a time as this Don’t you even know me? Unconditional it’s unconditional I can’t grasp the whole of your love for me Unconditional it’s unconditional I can’t grasp the whole of what you've done for me After all that we've been through I have never forsaken you Do you even know me? Don't you even know me? I won’t let you fall I won’t let you fall