mist scars me as i face the moons liquired glare Ashen light breaks waves through the glassy night there in front of me lays my worst nightmare I can't bear to see you like this, a demons sight I knew you, I loved your sweet etheral tongue I knew your thoughts, every fears though dark forbid I can see you now lying still breathless, on the ground though you are still, My heart still hums the southing song of your ever sweet tongue your heaven bound soul your golden bowl silver chord severed its life thats fow Under the bleeding moon I cry for you I can't comes to terms that your death is true a withered rose for you, my sweet dear your burning wings, my soul they sear the trees whisper hope I can not hear not an angel'll take your place my velvet rose, you are my dear please speak louder i can not hear Why speak to the dead, when they can not hear goodbye farewell my dear phenix of light doeth spreads its wings so safely you enter in I cry for her, but she can not hear the words of my thoughts my uttermost fear will follow you there through the gates of splender my dear follow me as i take your hand let me show you your promised land as you an angel died a mortal death to spend eternity with me so why can't i see why can't i hear the crys of my angel, my dear I'm sick of this hell in which i dwell in wait for you, under your spell so i usher you foreward to infinitys edge one more step and you'll fall goodbye farewell i wish you all well without wings you'll crawl goodbye farewell so under the moons sweet ashen gloom I recite the forgotten ritual and meat my doom forn the end of this world is coming soon I'll enter my world again where there is night, no moon so close,yet so far I look to the sky, now your a star a see your wings spread for i know you walk amongst the dead Is death so bad? only the dead know is there desert or is there snow or is there just black and nothing more or do we really knock on heavens door now i pass by the ninth gate my last words, the final slate now I enter the ever dark den but with no fear, for we will meet again