black cloaks silver dagger the forever cult lucifer treads earth und'foot his land, our home my doom my forever nightmare through the fire children of moloch walk witches and worlocks at dusk they gather, at morn they talk somewhere over the edge of forever lays a land which was hidden so that no mortal man could see it was hidden to all but me someday i will show you and open your eyes to the land that lays beyond where storys write themselves and songs come to your mind grab your sickle your harp your spear in the name of god we'll strike men with fear as death rides ahead with his horse so pale hell follows behind with a horrific gale through the fire i walk children come hither and do as i say run to the hills, please run far away for these men are of hell, it is children they slay the evil that lay hinder sun it spreads like black dust, over everyone In trials, and fears, and shadows I hide amongst heavens weeping willows, and i know that the time has come for me to leave to see goodbye, and let one greive blades of steels, tongues of fire i will kill to one desire the one true god, true king my crown he will bring someday he'll'decend and his true word he'll send for death doth come soon come my son, meet your doom for children walking amongst the fire their flesh burns for one false god moloch enemy of christian god you false idle, you mortal dog stand up, grasp weapon fight show those dogs a mortal fright those enemys of the night They have no god they are forever lost through the fire they'll walk for eternity and forever more through the dust of the ashes of man carcass lined streets of their idol world someday the sky will fall no more force feeding through the brocken wall walking through the forest of shadows ashen canopy spreads over me I wish I could see the death of me i walk beside crystal streams all comes true of my nightly dreams i live alone amongst shadows it seams through the fire with the children i forever dance