
Religious Exploitation


Religious Conflicts   
People dying
For the glory of their God

Racial Hatred
Fueled by belief
That their actions
Will give them eternal life

Holy Wars
Financial gain
Religious Exploitation

Beware of the Dogma

Open up your eyes
Cant you see
Through the lies

Your "Holier than thou"
I Despise

And the Clergy
Men of Cloth
Rape our Children
Destroy innocent lives

While the Bishops
Cover up
Evil crimes
And lapse in luxery

I won't accept it
You can't fool me
Self rightious preacher
Disgusting hypocrisy

Open up your eyes
Cant you see
Through the lies

Your "Holier than thou"
I Despise

They try to force their opinions on me
Say I'm guilty of mortal sin
They want the guilt to overcome me
But they wont get inside my head

They call me evil
They say I'm a satanist
Say I sacrifice the blood of innocents
But I don't worship God or the Devil
I am free to think for myself

Abuse of power
missuse of trust
mind control
this is what you lust

while people hunger
and die of AIDS
you get richer
wealth's the god you praise

wake up people
while you're sleeping
religions robs you blind

Open up your eyes
Cant you see
Through the lies

Open up your eyes
Cant you see
Through the lies!!