You might be the most beautiful woman in the world Or maybe just someone so misunderstood And you might stand tall up on some big stage Yeah be all the rage with that beautiful smile How it would drive me wild Or maybe you’re just happy being free Tucked away with a little piece of country Full of tall pine trees Fresh country air I could see you there Maybe a little house up on a hill With a little pond and flowing green fields A picture of a place in my mind Sometimes I wish I could find Maybe just to cross your mind Time to time Or maybe you were never really there Something I dreamed of that vanished into air Maybe as you close your eyes to sleep You get just a little piece of me Maybe a little smile Just a glimmer in your eye I might pass you in a dream Maybe one small tear will fall Or maybe you feel nothing at all Maybe I never cross your mind I write my heart that’s what I do And that might not mean much To most of you And I play and sing my songs What I feel not what others see as real But sometimes just sometime Maybe I cross your mind And on a good day If this old guitar plays my way With a soft melody She just might hear me Maybe say my name With that smile like that night in the rain Or maybe I’ll just fade away Lost to a memory of yesterday Maybe she can hear this plea In the bending of these old guitar strings And the words from my lips How they stumble and trip and come out all wrong Like the words to this song But hell I just play along And sometimes maybe just sometime I cross your mind Maybe as you close your eyes to sleep You get just a little piece of me Maybe a little smile I might pass you in a dream Maybe one small tear will fall Or maybe you feel nothing at all Or maybe on some crowded street Your right in front of me I hear your voice as you look my way Or will you just turn and walk away Maybe you have nothing to say Could it be I’m just all wrong for you This is just something you can’t do Sometimes maybe just sometimes I just might cross your mind Maybe one small tear will fall Or maybe you were never really here at all Just a picture in my mind I wish I could find