Not long ago was my first time here And I was so sick inside I didn’t care As she rolled that little pink wheelchair Over to me Said hi with the cutest little smile My name is cindy I’ve been living here since I was three Mister could I pray for you You look so sad And I understand if you don’t want me too But me and mom just wanted you to know God can make you whole With tears falling from my eyes She held my hands so tight And she prayed She said I know it works because he took away my pain All you have to do is believe He says just trust in me And I can fix anything Now every saturday I walk down that hall Searching for her beautiful little smile And cindy will find me with that fire in her eyes With that little pink bow on top her head Where her hair should be So sick all week she couldn’t get out of bed And I find a chair Pull it up right there so we were eye to eye And she would say please don’t cry Dave I’ll be just fine with a smile But will you please play a song just for me It’s saturday and I’ve been waiting for you all week Maybe when were done we could find a book to read And I don’t care witch one Hey don’t tell my mom but reading with you is lots more fun When you make those silly faces at me I laugh so hard sometimes I just can’t breathe Do you think one day I can pet your dogs I know you say there as big as hogs But they look beautiful to me Just as cute as can be So I give her that silly smile And that little six year old girl Steals my heart for a while Last week I got the call That I couldn’t walk down that hall And find her smile Never again can I play her that song The one she would always sing along I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye And it broke me inside But I carry her deep in my heart And I know I will see her again And sitting up there in heaven she’s praying for me With that little pink bow on top her head Where her hair should be I will never forget the smile Of that beautiful little girl cindy that stole my heart for a while