Aye, aye, aye Spending all my guap, I can't use no fucking coupon Hoodwtch in the cut, he be smoking on that too strong Pass me the blunt, I'm off crack, I'm off crack I don't give no fuck, hit you back, hit you back You my son, ain't talking back She wanna get hit from the back You a little baby, you live in the sack You talking that shit but you talking that cap I'm off of that lean, I feel like Yung Lean I spent a rack, that's just on my jeans All of my old friends turned into fiends Hitting me up, what she want from me? At the bank, give me all my fucking cash now I don't give a fuck, I'm counting racks, racks, yuh Spending all my guap, I can't use no fucking coupon Hoodwtch in the cut, he be smoking on that too strong Pass me the blunt, I'm off crack, I'm off crack I don't give no fuck, hit you back, hit you back Spending all my guap, I can't use no fucking coupon Hoodwtch in the cut, he be smoking on that too strong Pass me the blunt, I'm off crack, I'm off crack I don't give no fuck, hit you back, hit you back Shawty is eager, she wanna throw that ass back I'm in the coupe, now I'm in the hatchback Tell me lies, tell me lies Posted up in the sky Smoking this pack, I feel like a alien I just top from a bitch that's Australian Blood on my blunt, I be posted in space