David Ramirez

Stone Age

David Ramirez

Well I'm tired of waitin' on the world to change
Funny how the future is looking more like the stone age
We’re building walls, shootin' guns, paintin' the streets with blood
Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty moved to San Fran to run a startup

Give a man freedom and he’ll sit in a cage
Give him oppression and he’ll write about it on an Internet page
Our fathers were drinkers 'cause we shipped them off to war
And I'm drunk on a Tuesday 'cause I'm just so fucking bored

Where’s the light?
Where’s the light that was promised me?
We threw the baby out
With the bath water

Well honey do you mind if I move in with you
While my fellow patriots work out Civil War 2
I'm havin' trouble seeing colors in the dawns early light
No more red, no more blue, all I'm seeing is white

Where’s the light?
Where’s the light that was promised me?
We threw the baby out
We threw the baby out
We threw the baby out, out
With the bath water

Well give me your tired, your poor, your masses yearning to be free
The homeless, the tempest tossed, send them all to me
All the wretched refuse of your teeming shore
And I’ll blow out their flame and show 'em the God damn door

Where’s the light?
Where’s the light?
Where’s the light that was promised me?
We threw the baby out
We threw the baby out
We threw the baby out