She tossed her hair back like she didn't care. Ignored the whis- pered comments and the stares. How could they know about the man she'd met about a love with- out regrets... "You can dream, if you let me make you new. You can soar, I'll die to make it true. A miracle has found you, now you can just believe you can dream." He'd paid a price but still he'd had it all, until his house of cards began to fall. And with his for- tune went his friends and wife and all he had left was his life. "You can dream, if you let me make you new. You can soar, I'll die to make it true. A miracle has found you, now you can just believe you can dream." The God of broken pieces, a place where panic ceases. Where prayers are woven into wings... "You can dream, if you let me make you new. You can soar, I'll die to make it true. A miracle has found you, now you can just believe you can dream." You can dream. You can dream. You can dream.