Such a misfit little girl Afraid of love she hides away She's stumbling trough life In a misfit shitty world She makes it trough each rainy day Searching for light She's lost out at sea It's not meant to be Oh, it's so bittersweet He's so in too deep He can't have the one who Makes him complete But that's how it goes It's ok cos he knows She did what she could And baby it's all good Such a left out little kid Learning love the way he did His smile's not real Lives his life based on a lie He watches his time passing by He gave it all to her He's lost out at sea It's not meant to be Oh, it's so bittersweet He's so in too deep He can't have the one who Makes him complete But that's how it goes It's ok cos he knows She did what she could Baby, it's all good Now his days have turned into grey She keeps her smile though he feels this way Falling from grace This is the end This is the end