Tom: E Written by: John Lowery,Bob Marlett Guitarst: John Lowery Song Rateing: 5 of 5 Solo Rateing: 5 of 5 Album: DLR Band tabed by: Per "Pogo,Mw Gacy" Stenberg * or * GREAT song and briljant guitar playing by John Lowery (Who is currently working in Marilyn Manson as John5)!!! The solo is a master piece (So is the solo in "Little Texas") and the lead guitart in the verse is the best!!! WOW!!!!! It took me forever to tab and I'm not 100% sure of this tab...h=hammer-on p=pull of T=Tap with the end of your finger /=Slide down \=Slide up ^=Bend .=palm muted ~=Vibration/tremelo Intro/Chours/Break/Main Riff/Outro (Use wah-wah on the first 2 notes) --------------- --------------- --------------- -33-6/7-6/7\6-- -33-6/7-6/7\6-- -11------------ Verse (Solo) (This one of the things that I'm not 100% sure on) -17p14----14-------------------------------------- -------17----17p14-------------------------------- -------------------16-14-----------------12h13h14- ---------------------------------12h13h14--------- -------------------------12h13h14----------------- -------------------------------------------------- Verse (Rhymth) ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------3----------- -------------3----------- xxxxxxx------1-xxxxxxxx-- xxxxxxx-1-3-1--xxxxxxxx-- Pre-Chours --------------9----- ----12-10-10----10-- -3------------------ -3------------------ -1------------------ -------------------- Chours --------------- --------------- --------------- -33-6/7-6/7\6-- -33-6/7-6/7\6-- -11------------ Solo This a execlent solo but the taping was VERY hard to tab The ending is not in becase I did have the power to tab it but it is not that hard...just do some taping and move slowy to the first freths... --------------------------------------------6------------------- -66/9/11\9/11\9/13\12\11\9/11\9-6-----6h7h8----8p7p6------------ -55/8/10\8/10\8/12\11\10\8/10\8-5h6h7----------------7p6p5---7^- -----------------------------------------------------------5---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- T T T T -17p10h12p10h16p10h12p10h17p10h12p10h16p10h12p10- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- That is every riff in that song... I have done better tabs but this one was a pain in the ass... Comments? * or *