Karla Faye, Karla Faye Karla Faye, Momma's little lady Karla Faye, Karla Faye Do it for Momma, Come to Pappa Holdin' tight to the motor cycle Feels the blood pound in her head Shootin' straight with a dirty needle Momma shows the John her bed Ten years old, already dead Deep in the heart of Texas God bless Texas the home of the brave In her country clubs her white washed thugs keep the oil price safe "Vote for me" ... God bless you Georgie Baby For though the truth will never set you free You'll be linked eternally... To Karla Faye, Karla Faye "Suck it for Momma... did Big Tex' hurt my Baby?" Karla Faye, Karla Faye You gotta die for Georgie boy 'Cause Georgie boy is on his way Georgie Porgie pudding and pie Blessed the girl then let her die