I thought I had done a perfect crime, It was in this that believed. I did not let any vestige form, In an act without thinking. I thought perfect plans existed, To be correct always. But nevertheless found me, In an act without mistakes. I know that it was not right, But they liberate me of this endless prison. I know that inside my heart, I need leave this endless prison. Endless prison. I thought to have hidden my pride, But here am I, carry me. Maybe a day you really understand, This act without truths. I thought perfect plans existed, To be correct always. But nevertheless found me, In an act without mistakes. I know that it was not right, But they liberate me of this endless prison. I know that inside my heart, I need leave this endless prison. Endless prison. I need leave this endless prison. I thought perfect plans existed, To be correct always. But nevertheless found me, In an act without mistakes. I know that it was not right, But they liberate me of this endless prison. I know that inside my heart, I need leave this endless prison. Endless prison.