All of my life, I believed that love was meant for fools Colder than ice, only losers played By golden rules Then you touched me and you changed my life around You have brought me back from lost to found You turned me inside out and upside down... Must be a miracle... Must be a miracle of love... I gave up hope Love was something I would never see End of my rope Hanging by a thread, you rescued me I can?t tell you how you You make me feel You took my foolish dreams and made them real You brought tenderness to a heart A heart of steel... Must be a miracle... Must be a miracle of love... It?s impossible to believe Someone like you could care for me I can?t conceive a stranger thing Must be a miracle... and the miracle is you... God only knows Where I would be now if not for you And I suppose Sometimes happy endings do come true Like an angel you were Sent to me I guess some things are just Meant to me I can?t explain it, so it?s my philosophy Must be a miracle And the miracle is you... Do you believe ? , yes I believe... In the miracle of love... Ooo ooo... It?s wondrous, marvellous... Just for us... The miracle of love... Yes I believe It?s a miracle What a miracle... Such a miracle... And the miracle is you You... It?s impossible to believe Someone like you could care for me Such a miracle What a miracle, And the miracle is you You... Yes I believe... That the miracle is you...