David Crowder Band

He Was There

David Crowder Band

I will sing    to the Lord. 
I will sing    to the Lord. 
He is    high above and    lifted up. 
He is    high above and    lifted up. 

I will sing    to the Lord. 
I will sing    to the Lord. 
He was there for me    in the desert, 
He was there for me on the mountaintop, 
He was there for me when there was no water, 
He was there for me, and He gave me a drink. 

I will sing to the Lord. 
I will sing to the Lord. 
He is high above and lifted up. 
He is high above and lifted up. 

In the desert, He was there. 
On the mountain, He was there. 
In the valley deep, He was there. 
Everywhere I look my God is there.'