Fill the suitcase up- did he stiff somebody? Will he testify?- if you say you're sorry Grown men laugh when they heard that lie 10 to 12- gonna hang them high wanted for life Hu hu- I'm wanted for life Ran outside The buildings dropped Now he stole the crown Do the buggers never stop? Said- wait a minute pop Hoo Hey-Wait a minute pop Now upon this earth We stand on dirt Well I got tore down But I'm still standing up Ev'ry little drop (I'm thankful for) ev'ry little drop Torn and Frayed Even though it's full a holes Get cha where ya wanna go Get cha where ya wanna go Even though you're smarter than me I'll write your autobiography I'm using all the words up I got my grammar in the 5 and dime I'm givin' all the words up Now I know the words are mine If ya close your eyes- do ya picture money? Did he change his mind? Does it keep you runnin'? The blind men sing The girls gone wild The statute's clear And they emphasized wanted for life hoo hoo I'm wanted for life So, Swing that stick Throw that rock Inch by inch Goin step by step Yeah- wait a minute pop Wait a minute pop Now Upon this earth We stand on dirt We got torn down But I'm still standing up Every little drop (I'm thankful for) ev'ry little drop Torn and frayed My testimony's full of holes Get me where I wanna go Get cha where ya wanna go Pardon me sir I don't live here no more But see that's the way it goes I'm moving on a gravel road Pardon me sir I don't live here no more Maybe that's the way it goes I guess that that's the way it goes Pardon me sir I don't live here no more I'm moving on a gravel road Maybe that's the way it goes *fonte: site oficial