She was his girl, he was her boy-friend, Soon be his wife, and make him her husband. A suprise on the way, anyday anyday One healthy little gigglin', dribblin', baby boy. The wise men came, three made their way, To shower him with love, while he lay in the hay. Shower him with Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love was all around Not very much of his childhood was known, kept his mother Mary worried, always out on his own. He met another Mary, who, for a reasonable fee, less than reputable was known to be. His heart was full of Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love was all around When Jesus Christ was nailed to his tree, He said, "Oh daddy-o. I can see how it all soon will be" I came to shed a little light on this darkening scene, Instead I fear I've spilled, the blood of my children all around the blood of my children all around, the blood of my children's all around So I'm told or so the story goes, the people he knew were less than golden-hearted. Gamblers and robbers; Drinkers and jokers, all soul searchers, like you and me, like you and me. Rumors insisted he soon would be, for his deviations, taken into custody. By the authorities, less informed than he. Drinkers and jokers, all soul searchers Searchin for Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love is all around Preperations were made for his celebration day. He said, "Eat this bread and think of it as me, Drink this wine and dream it will be the blood of our children all around the blood of our children's all around, The blood of our children's all around Father up above, Why in all this hatred do you fill me up with Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love is all around Father up above Why in all this anger do you fill me up wtih love Fill me - Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Love, Love...And the blood of our children's all around.