I neither smoke nor drink nor swear, My habits are sublime, And at the risk of seeming square, Resist temptation all the time! One weakness i possess, In all meekness i confess; My one bad habit is falling in love, And falling right out again! My resolution - forget the past, Don't fall too fast, Make it last! The dreams that mattered Have all been shattered, They're long since scattered, Gone! My grand illusion Was all delusion, My revolution is on! To break the habit of falling in love With someone who doesn't care, I'm out to conquer; so love beware, No more despair In this love affair! It's now or never, My last endevour To love for evermore! So please treat me gently, For evidently Your bad habit, Like my bad habit, Is falling in love; Just one little shove And i'll start fallin' again, yeah! I'll start fallin'again, oops! Let's start fallin' again!