Das Kabinette

The Evil Of His Kiss

Das Kabinette

Take my hand, you cannot leave me, you're not safe on your own
Those prying hands and eager faces will not leave you alone
Keep moving even though you've no place left to run
Hiding from those evil people who only mean you harm

Stay with me, trust in me
Stay with me
I'll keep you from the evil of his kiss

Insatiable desire are my one and only vice
The power of a female, is your passion to entice
The effigies of humankind are mercy in your grasp
Of chorus chance conceal the motives that hide dehind this mask

Stay with me, trust in me
Stay with me
I'll keep you from the evil of his kiss

Your voice is like sweet music, I cherist every note
Soon the hangman's noose will coil around your slender throat
Visitors will shed a tear, but death is in your eyes
I see the rope show, ever try to stifle your last cries

Stay with me, trust in me
Stay with me
I'll keep you from the evil of his kiss