Chorus: He's got all power in His hands, He can do what no other can. He's making a way that I cannot see because He's God. Verse 1: Causing the sun to shine through my darkest day, forgiving my past, making the crooked straight, ordering my footsteps to walk in His righteousness; because He's God. Verse 2: Calling me righteous when I was still wrong, transforming me through Christ Jesus, His Son. He is the Great I Am and I'll give Him praise; because He's God. Chorus Bridge: He's God, oh. He's God, oh, oh. He's God, He's God. Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the Everlating Father, beside Him there's no other. Vamp: Because He's God. Ending: He's God, oh. He's God, oh, oh. He's God, He's God.