Leader--- When I think of how far you brought me and all of the changes in my life I say I (Choir) I will I shall I must bless your name Leader--- For you devine favor in my life, from freeing me from bondage freeing me from strife, I will I will I shall I must bless your name Leader--- When I think of all your goodness and everything you,ve done from me Lord I I will I shall I must bless your name Leader--- It was grace and mercy that brought us safe thus far. oh I will I will I shall I must bless your name Leader--when I consider (Chorus) Choir-- When i consider what you ve done for me. Leader---You freed my spirit gave me the victory Choir---You took lifes fragments and you made them whole Leader--And now I praise you from the depts of my soul Leader-- From were you brought me and for keeping me from dangers seen and unseen. I I will I shall I must bless your name (Chorus) Leader--- Lord, from the rising of the sun to setting of the same. your name is to be praised I will I shall I must Bless your name(rpt 2) ( special) I will bless you I shall praise you I must worship you Bless your name (rpt often) Bless your name (rpt) I will I shall I must Bless your name.