Daryl Coley

To Live Is Christ

Daryl Coley

To live is Christ, and to die is gain
To suffer with Him, I know that I shall reign
In His arms, over there, in that land bright and fair
To live is Christ, oh Christ, and to die is gain

To suffer with Him, and to feel His pain
To carry my cross is the reason why He came
Just to save my soul, and to make me whole
To live is Christ, oh Christ, and to die is gain

To gain my peace from the storms that tear
My heart into pieces, little bitty pieces
When no love can dwell there...

To gain my robe, and to gain my crown
To live is Christ, oh Christ, and to die is gain


To gain my robe, and to gain my crown
To suffer is Christ
To go through is Chrsit, oh to live is Christ
And to die is gain
To live is Christ and to suffer is Christ
To go through is Christ
Oh and to die is gain