Daryl Coley

That Special Place

Daryl Coley

This song just says "Lord
Set me in that special place
Where I can hear from You"

It's not that you haven't been speaking
When heard Your voice is clear
It's just that we're not in the right
Place to give Your word our ear
Distractions of day to day living
The sounds of busyness
Have stolen from us that precious time
When You speak through quietness

Lord take me high above the noise of living
To a place where my spirit begins receiving
The words, the thoughts proceeding from Your lips

And words that speaks to me new life beginning
The struggle, the pain are at an ending
The place where You and I alone commune

Set me in that place
Where I can hear from You

It matters not what goes or comes
I desire that Your will be done
Lord draw me so close to You
Until Your words, Your thoughts
Are what I hear

Speak to me face to face as you did Moses
Telling me what Your purpose for me is
Just let me hear Your words Lord
And then move on the word that I've heard

Help me to hear Your words
Understand Your meaning
As you speak to my spirit
The words thats revealing those things
Eternal You have set for me

Speak to my heart the words
So clear and so plain
That there is no mistake
Of what You are saying
Your kingdom come as Your will is done in me

Set me in that place
Where I can hear from You
I want to shut out all the worldly concerns
Just set me in that place
Where I can hear from You