Standing on the promises Of Jesus Holding fast with all my might To His word Because if God said it I believe it By my faith I shall receive it So I'm standing on the promises I'm not gonna give up I'm not gonna give in I'm not gonna turn around I'm standing on the promises of God I'm standing on the promises Trusting in what God said Holding, clinging to the word That I have read I'm not trusting in The strength of men But I'm wholy resting on God's divine plan I'm standing, I'm standing I'm standing, I'm standing Everyday I am standing on the promies of God Standing on the promises, of Jesus Holding fast with all my might To His word Cause if God said it I believe it And by my faith I shall receive it I'm standing (standing on the promises) I'm standing on (standing on the promises) I'm standing (standing on the promises) Of God Everyday you'll find me standing You see when I get sick His promises Said by Your stripes I am healed I'm standing on the promises of God He said if I be faithful over a few things He'll make me ruler over many I'm not gonna give up I'm not gonna let go But I'm gonna stand Standing on the promises of God