Darren Hanlon

Folk Insomnia

Darren Hanlon

There's rumbling in the head again
Inside the head there lived a brain
Inside the brain there lived a dream
That shot 'round like a laser beam
Along nerve endings and synapses
Past the room for memory lapses
Bought about by alcohol
That causes all the self-collapses

Now, that dream's not the only one
I had plenty more when I was young
But I grew up in a big hurry
And then one day I start to worry that
I'm gonna be a goner before I read all the books I wanna
If I plant a tree now it'll be fully grown
Long after I'm just dust and bone and
Now I can't sleep, it's already 3 AM
And I'm lying here dividing sheep by the square root of ten

So I gave away my clothes to charity
I turned off my TV for clarity
But somedays I still envy those
Walking around wearing my clothes

So i'll just plant a tree i'll never see grow
Put a seed in the ground where no one'll know
Gonna make my plan when the morning breaks
But I just don't know how long it'll take

I keep hearing voices and ringing phones
But i'm staring down a highway all alone
With just the company of my stomach rumble
But I feel OK, it makes me humble
Without a load that I must carry
Or a bump in the road to make to tarry
Just a pile of ashes from the miles I've burned and everything i've learned

What have I learned?

Don't walk in front of cars or behind horses
Cats don't drink milk out of flying saucers
Green means go
Yellow: go faster
Red means stop or financial disaster
And don't ever underestimate the fitness of a determined Jehovas witness
And don't ever take for granted what grew from every kiss you planted
If a heart can break then a heart can feel
It's enough to know that you're alive and real
Not a rattle and bounce in a little white ball
Not a number on a roulette wheel
And hair it turns grey and skin it turns to leather
But the best thing about growing old is we all do it together

So i'll just plant a tree i'll never see grow
Put a seed in the ground where no one'll know
Gonna make my plan when the morning breaks
But i'm just don't know how long it'll take

They say that a love that's shared is a love that's carried
All the way to the church where you'll be married
And it's a long long way alter alter and you don't have the time to falter
Love will always come and go I hope
But sometimes love goes up in smoke
And you're left there with the greedy ghost
And just when you need them most
Some of your friends have disappeared
And others started acting weird
And you laying in your bed with an awful feeling
Till you've learnt by heart all the cracks in the ceiling
And you think 'Oh god I just related to that awful love song I always hated'
And the past it all becomes distorted like it was broke before you bought it
Remember, you're the one who paid
For the pin out of the hand grenade
It's up to you to leave your room
But don't forget to bring your spade

So you can plant a tree you'll never see grow
Put a seed in the ground where no one'll know
Gonna make my plan forever to roam
Gonna feed my nan in the nursing home
Gonna make that plan when the morning breaks
But I just don't know how long that'll take