Lord, I come Lord, I thank You For Your Love For Your grace divine Love and mercy Undeserving You gave it all The greatest sacrifice You were wounded for my sin And You were bruised for all my shame You were broken for my healing Only by the cross I am saved You're the mender of the broken To every outcast A friend and comforter We are desperate For Your presence We are helpless Here without You, God I come boldly to Your presence Lord, I bow before Your throne You're my Healer, my Redeemer You're my hope, my life, my all You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You hear the cry of the broken You answer the cry of the broken You answer the cry of the broken You answer the cry of the broken