Transmission from the lulz ship on the 7 seas Owning all your data, yah that was fu*king me Cracking, hacking, white hats beware Were lulzsec hoes, were not going anywhere Spyware, we're right there, knock down your firewall Cutting through your servers like a spinning mitorsaw You wish you had the tactics but it needs practice Ask those sony bastards, yah bitch we hacked it The lulz boat, we cut throat, now you get owned The lulz boat you dumb hoes, act like you know X2 Why is there sql injection everywhere? Injection, infection, that's how you get owned Remote execution now you bow to the throne Drop your whole netblock and sink into the sea Go and check your logs but your not going to see me Net rap hacks trash you bastards please See how i drop your database into csv Taking over the internet one server at a time We're lulz sec baby, read your source line by line The lulz boat, we cut throat, now you get owned The lulz boat you dumb hoes, act like you know X2