A distinct yet intangible psychic scream of the collective tore the air asunder, announcing the end of the parasitical Judean dominion Now the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the sons of Zion In the gloomy recesses of the tumultuous depths something stirred, something long forgotten ... The ocean churned with it's ascent, a cacophony of waves heralded it's arrival as it broke the surface Dappled skin gleaming under a sun it remembered all too well from an age before human memory The antediluvian nightmare exuded horror as it's vociferations pierced the human world once again As if the earth itself was afraid, a sense of dread began to envelop the shores Drifting like a fog fashioned from madness as the prehistoric abhorrence approached the land It's calls were not unheard, ancient tombs of the deep began to crack and fragment in response awakening a once dormant sentinel race. The oceans ruptured with the obscene rebirth of reptile like, but altogether alien creatures Their shrieks coalescing into a maelstrom of unearthly hatred, as their wings unfurled in the dawn of a new day The great temples of old would surface, thrust from the very bowels of the earth, twisted landscapes of obscene angles and a marred beauty Risen from the depths as spears to pierce the world of the heretics Those of the blood of the ancients were swept up by their protectors Hidden from the final onslaught in the temples of their ancestors to await the reincarnation of the world itself Led by The Great Old One the spawn of the sea would begin the cataclysm that would befall the children of Yaweh Their final doom visited upon them, marked by their tainted blood, it became the beacon to their demise The genocide of purification swept the land, an annihilation orgy of the impure All vision was obscured by the dust of their bones, the earth was slick with liquefied swine flesh It cracked with the cries of torment and ate greedily of the blood that was spilled upon it The soil itself becoming a monument of the agony of the oppressors until the last deafening roars of their extinction subsided into a silence unknown to the world, a silence of liberation and redemption A new age had begun ...