


Have you ever heard about the man
Who enjoyed the job he had?
I can't say there's much of this around

Have you ever heard about the man
Who used to work with a smile
All his friends snapped his skin out of his skull
I saw

Soon he acknowledged that all the knowledge he had
Was just wasting space in his head
Only brute strength in his workplace

And his workmates, with already fallen heads
Watch the man face reality
And, after a long time, have a reason to laugh at his face
As he cries

You've gotta learn from your mistakes
You work hard, you're a high stake
They like to see bruises in your hand
That's how they know how hard you've worked
Your bleeding hands and boiling feet
Makes them decide if you should be thrown in the street

Does your wife loves or just puts up with you?
Her words towards you are the only thing getting wild
And you still have to deal with a disrespectful child

Have you ever heard about the man
Who enjoyed the job he had?
Have you heard about his smile?
He died