Started in the night A flash that we call life It came into a strife Just from the beginning it tried to reach the light Then broke out the fight From the chaos emerged the existence It had to contend And it commenced to shift It was like a gift One day from the waters, the life began to extend Long and without end From the chaos emerged the existence Night of time It moulded the slime And it From matter took out wit Into the existence The spirit could be prior Into the existence Only beats one heart Into the existence Forever burns a fire Into the existence The whole's more than the parts The joy of life! A species breed: The seed Fighter to adapt: The apt To the air your breath: The death The existence summit events Maps of routines: The genes The tool to teach: The speech The vital germ: The sperm The existence summit events The spirit reign: The brain A living flood: The blood Where birthright dwell: The cell The existence summit events Being, soul and mind: Mankind The imprinted way: Dna The highlights of the life